Friday, June 26, 2009

Groceries stores really interest me - Ive always been fascinated about what is in other peoples trollys - SOmtimes you can tell what kinds of lives they lead - kids, singlckaging on e, couples etc - sometimes you can even tell whther you are looking at a major relationship split ( Cheesecake and Chocolate) in a trolly which should by the looks of the pusher, be full of low GI 0 fat green grass like substances.
Most of all though I cant understand how it is that people chose the food they want to eat.
Me I have to admit I'm a sucker fore packaging - the brighter bolder and more dietary lies on it the better - however while I start with really good intentions in the veggie section - I soon succumb to the packaging - big bright bold with interesting and trendy contents - Why eat a steak when it can made bigger bolder brighter and trendier by Cous Cous (Which BTW is a really rude word in Arabic- and I mean really rude) and Moroccan spices. Ahh the world is such a small and exotic place these days.

So what is it that draws people to certain foods. There are thousands of things on those shelves that must be eaten by someone who has been drawn to them for some reason. I'm intrigued about what it is that draws us to that final dietary decision - that fateful food moment - that brand of baked beans, that mushroom, Lentil and spice soup.
I wonder what and why and how.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A simple day

Im so tired but I cant sleep.

Worked today and it was busy. Busy Busy. Mad even.
Mind you I invented a new roll, and managed to smile at all the customers.
But honestly by the end of the day I could hardly walk straight.
I do wonder where the other half gets his energy. Its amazing.

Now I have to sleep so off I go.

Racism or Religism

Is abuse based on Religious grounds racism?
I'm always hearing that people have been racist to Muslims - So is it racism or is it Religism.
Hatred of Islam?

Usually ignorance of anyone that is not as we are. Good old fashioned them and us syndrome.

Odd really but the we are all afraid of something, and sometimes we have good cause to be afraid. However sometimes fear is just another form of hysteria and completely unfounded.

I suppose only the future will tell us whether today's nutters were right, or whether they are simply nutters.

If only we could see the future.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The real meaning behind no news is good news.

What is it with Darwin?

Amazing really - the world is watching with baited breathe as Nth Korea plays cat and mouse with the World. Iran continues to boil over, and back at home we watch to see which political leader will be the next to throw a punch, but up in Darwin our paper is more interested in the bloke who crashed his chopper trying to get a better look at a crocodile. Now I must say his quick actions saved his mates life - Yep that's right he buried him in sand, but really over all its a minor occurrence when you look at the things happening in the big wide world.

Mind you, here in Darwin the world economic crisis barley causes a ripple. Jobs abound and money is spent just as readily on beer this yr as it was last yr. So is there something that the editors of the NT News know that we don't know? Ignore the real news. Ignore the world and it cant touch you. Me Me Me I cant see you I cant hear you, and all the boogy monsters will just pass us by.

Anyway enough of my thoughts - Off to bed.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sex Marriage and Men

This is what I want to know.
Are men to obsessed with looks that see whats really important?
Looks are so important to them. Big boobs, small boobs, Long legs, Round butts and Silicone - are you kidding me? Silicone. Its crazy.

But in looking for the perfect woman are they missing out on whats really important? That woman who is kind, funny, sweet, intelligent and really deeply soundly attractive.
Or do they settle for that woman - knowing that the page 3 model is inaccessible?!
Are we married to men who think of us as second best. Are Boobs and Butts more important that that deep woman?
If you cant get what you want, be happy with what you have?

Are looks really that important to a man after all? Is that deep woman with the saggy tits what men really want -and when they find it do the page three girls shrink to insignificance.

Probably not - there are enough married and committed men out there willing to spend their Friday nights down at the local pub watching silicone boobs NOT flopping about while their owners gyrate around attempting to earn the money to have yet another tuck.

Now as for women - should we feel PO ed when it comes to these women, and the men who fantasise about them. I'll admit that I'm one who doesn't want my man coming home and thinking about them as he makes up to me -yep I feel that sometimes I'm perhaps the second choice. After all as he pointed out - who wants a Ferrari - everyone just wants to steal it, whereas a basic Toyota while not gorgeous wont let you down, and is less likely to be stolen.

Hmm???!!!!! Im more inclined to see myself as a classic - rather than a cheap plastic replica of the real thing.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day One on my Blog

I'm supposed to be packing. There's a bloody huge list to get through but instead I'm smoking, blogging, drinking coffee, and watching parrots.
PARROTS for gods sake!!!!!!!!!

I met a man today - a single dad. It never occurred to me just how isolating being a single male parent can be. He cant make friends with the mums at his sons school because the dads all think he's after their wives.
Kids cant play at his house or have sleep overs - simply because of our societies fear of the male in the house.
He listed a huge number of things that he doesn't do simply because he is a male. He just goes it alone.
A commendable man. He's raised his son since he was 12 months old - all alone.

It really made me think. What type of society are we that we can isolate a person so much simply because he has broken the mold. And yet here he is kissing his son goodbye at the school gate, providing for him, cleaning up after him and making sure he raises a good human being.
What is our reaction? We frown down on him - just because he is different.
What a waste. How many other men are out there is similar circumstances.

Hes given up so much just to be a good dad - and the Lord knows we need more of them, but we don't accept him at all.

We really are a senseless society.

Oh well - off to do some work. But if you read this - take the time to think about the way we treat others - and open the door a little wider.