Friday, June 26, 2009

Groceries stores really interest me - Ive always been fascinated about what is in other peoples trollys - SOmtimes you can tell what kinds of lives they lead - kids, singlckaging on e, couples etc - sometimes you can even tell whther you are looking at a major relationship split ( Cheesecake and Chocolate) in a trolly which should by the looks of the pusher, be full of low GI 0 fat green grass like substances.
Most of all though I cant understand how it is that people chose the food they want to eat.
Me I have to admit I'm a sucker fore packaging - the brighter bolder and more dietary lies on it the better - however while I start with really good intentions in the veggie section - I soon succumb to the packaging - big bright bold with interesting and trendy contents - Why eat a steak when it can made bigger bolder brighter and trendier by Cous Cous (Which BTW is a really rude word in Arabic- and I mean really rude) and Moroccan spices. Ahh the world is such a small and exotic place these days.

So what is it that draws people to certain foods. There are thousands of things on those shelves that must be eaten by someone who has been drawn to them for some reason. I'm intrigued about what it is that draws us to that final dietary decision - that fateful food moment - that brand of baked beans, that mushroom, Lentil and spice soup.
I wonder what and why and how.

1 comment:

  1. I often look into other people's trollies and wonder what the heck they do with the 'food' they've put in there when they get home. Some people grab so much junkfood it's unbelievable that they're still with the human race; other people eat so little I wonder if they grow some of their own stuff at home. Me? I start out with a list and try to stick with it... as best as I can. However, if I forget the list, well, my brain draws a complete blank on what I'm supposed to get and I end up overspending. It's horrible!
