Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The real meaning behind no news is good news.

What is it with Darwin?

Amazing really - the world is watching with baited breathe as Nth Korea plays cat and mouse with the World. Iran continues to boil over, and back at home we watch to see which political leader will be the next to throw a punch, but up in Darwin our paper is more interested in the bloke who crashed his chopper trying to get a better look at a crocodile. Now I must say his quick actions saved his mates life - Yep that's right he buried him in sand, but really over all its a minor occurrence when you look at the things happening in the big wide world.

Mind you, here in Darwin the world economic crisis barley causes a ripple. Jobs abound and money is spent just as readily on beer this yr as it was last yr. So is there something that the editors of the NT News know that we don't know? Ignore the real news. Ignore the world and it cant touch you. Me Me Me I cant see you I cant hear you, and all the boogy monsters will just pass us by.

Anyway enough of my thoughts - Off to bed.

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